SoundCity4, Brighton & Hove's annual youth music festival, is just around the corner! The line-up has now been finalised for the gig on Saturday 12th March at the Corn Exchange and we are pleased to announce that the gig will involve performances from the following acts: Oscar Arnell, Audio Active's PLAY, Brighton & Hove Youth Percussion Ensemble and Unified Rhythm, Kerwire, 0360 and many more acts besides.
There are also many exciting creative music projects happening around the City, including the development of an impressive musical finale piece at the end of the SoundCity4 night led by Joe Browne and a Boys Singing project at three secondary schools led by Kushal Gaya.
About the professional musicians involved in SoundCity4 creative projects:
Joe Browne is a musician, composer and music leader based in London. As well as being an active saxophonist and violinist, he has led numerous creative education projects for the likes of the Orchestra of The Age of Enlightenment, The London Philharmonic Orchestra and The Wigmore Hall. Whether performing a jazz gig at Ronnie Scott’s or leading a large group of children in a creative project, he is driven by a passion for improvisation and interactive music making.
Kushal Gaya is a vocalist, guitar player and band leader. He has performed all over the UK and around the world as part of the bands Melt Yourself Down and Zun Zun Egui. His music has been rooted in Maloya and Sega music from the Islands of Mauritius and Reunion Island but he has also a strong understanding of modern western music. Kushal is part of the Indian Ocean diaspora and has been keen to experiment and understand the effects of Indian Ocean music being exposed to western influences and vice versa. He is also interested in pushing limitations of what we think are strict vocal performances.
No ticket required, just come along on the night. Doors open at 7.00pm, performances start at 7.30pm. Doors will be closed once capacity is reached.