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Artsmark Development Days 16/17

Congratulations to all the schools in Brighton and Hove who have embarked on their journey on the new Artsmark award this last academic year.

Schools in Brighton and Hove have an incredible reputation for creativity and Artsmark is a great opportunity to demonstrate and recognise this in your setting. Awarded by Arts Council England, designed by schools to make it relevant and straightforward, the new Artsmark award helps schools to deliver a high quality arts and cultural education.

Artsmark is a priority for the Our Future City programme, a partnership between children, young people and professionals from education, health, social services, local businesses, the creative industries and culture to find ways to transform our city in the next 10 years. As part of Our Future City, a limited a number of Artsmark bursaries are available to schools in the city.

Please contact Emma Collins at BHMA for further details.

Look out for details of Artsmark Development Days coming up in Brighton in 2016/17 - dates to published soon.

For further details, please contact Jane Dickson

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