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Calling all young string players!

We have some great opportunities for young string players (violin and cello) to join an ensemble on Saturday Morning at Varndean school.

STRING GROUP at 10.00am: for children in year 2 in their first term of learning (you can join after only 3 instrumental lessons). The session will focus on extended musical activities such as listening, composing and improvising.

STRING ENSEMBLE at 9.00am: for children in years 3 and 4 who have been learning for a year and approaching grade 1 standard. More complex parts will be played and they will also further develop improvisation and composition skills.

SATURDAY STRINGS ORCHESTRA at 11.15 am: grade 2 to 3 standard. Players will develop sight reading skills and learn how to follow a conductor and recognise different styles of music. There will also be sectionals work with specialist tutors.

Please sign up and join us from September.

Contact for further details/to register.

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