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BHMA increases Bassoon, French Horn and Viola players in primary schools

Thanks to the support from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Brighton Early Music Festival and Brighton & Hove Music Trust, 26 children from 4 primary schools will get the opportunity to learn to play these bass instruments and perform in concerts later this year.

Bass Lines is a new initiative to increase the number of pupils learning some of the ‘lower’ or bass instruments (which traditionally attract fewer young players). This partnership project brings together BHMA, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Brighton Early Music Festival and will offer pupils an opportunity to learn an instrument, to take part in workshops with professional musicians and to perform in a number of concerts later this year such as the Festival of Strings in March, the Wind Gala in April and as part of the opera ‘King Arthur’s Quest’ in June.

BHMA is committed to increasing the numbers of children who can have the opportunity to learn to play ‘minority’ instruments. If you or your school would like to take part in future initiatives, please contact

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