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Arts Award training for SoundCity partners and teachers

Increasing Opportunities to achieve an Arts Award

Supported by Artswork, the South East Bridge organisation, SoundCity has been creating new opportunities for children and young people in the city to achieve an Arts Award.

Involving a range of cultural partners across the city, SoundCity continues to offer a programme of training, delivery, advocacy, advice and support for Arts Award.

Children are able to gain an Arts Award Discover through our programme of ‘Discover in a Day’ holiday courses and for the first time this year instrumental pupils and some Soundmakers classes will be working towards gaining an Arts Award through their weekly music sessions.

We aim to increase the number of SoundCity practitioners who are qualified to deliver Arts Award programmes and alongside our advisor training programme, all SoundCity partner organisations are encouraged to become active Arts Award Supporters

By offering joint training for SoundCity partners and teachers SoundCity will bring together colleagues from the music education hub, partner organisations and schools and will lead facilitated planning sessions to support the co-development of new opportunities people to gain an Arts Award, delivered through a partnership approach.

As part of this programme there is support for schools from experienced Arts Award advisers to help create exciting musical and multi-arts experiences, through which participants can make progress towards an Arts Award. Tailored advice and support is available to schools and partner organisations which are offering Arts Award courses for the first time, by sharing skills and effective practice and signposting to support and resources.

For more information about how to gain an Arts Award through music activities please contact

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