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The Parents & Friends Association - We Need You!

Boy playing saxophone

Who are we?

The Parents and Friends Association are a group of parents, past students, teachers and supporters of Brighton & Hove Music & Arts (BHMA) who support young people making music in the city.

What do we do?

We provide a range of assistance and support – everything from consultation on developments at BHMA to fundraising, running a coffee shop at Saturday Morning Music Centre, providing refreshments and volunteer assistance at concerts and events, support larger ensembles/orchestras behind-the-scenes (for example helping with the music library) representing parents and students by acting as a liaison with BHMA. We are currently looking forward to providing support for some exciting events coming up including the Schools Christmas Concert at the Brighton Centre and the 70th Anniversary concert celebrating 70 years of young musicians making music in Brighton & Hove.

What can you do to help?

We are looking for new members to attend our termly meetings, volunteer to help with any of the roles listed above, and particularly to volunteer at the coffee shop and help with refreshments at concerts and events. We are always keen to hear from people who have experience in fundraising or finance – as we always need these skills too!

What does your help mean?

By being a member of The Parents & Friends Association, you will be helping us to raise money to help all young musicians continue to make music in the future. The money we raise goes towards buying specialist instruments for young people to use in ensembles (like the baritone saxophone photographed above), buying/hiring music for ensembles, helping to maintain BHMA’s specialist instruments, supporting concerts and events and generally helping to keep music-making accessible to all young people.

If you are interested in being part of this association email or give us a call on 01273 261 565 for more information .

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