Summer School 2015
Summer School 2015 will run for 6 weeks, from 29 June to 7 August and will include instrumental, vocal and music technology courses for pupils from year 2 to year 11.
Summer School courses are led by our team of specialist teachers and are delivered in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Every course builds towards a celebration performance and is a great way to end the academic year!
Exciting programmes are offered for children and young people who enjoy music making, but who may have no prior experience, through to more advanced musicians and singers who may have been learning for a number of years. Each course is designed and delivered by experienced music leaders, taking into account the age and stage of participants.
Highlights of the 2015 schedule include the always popular fun days for younger learners; vocal, guitar, keyboard and drum kit workshops; large ensembles (Violin & Cello Group, Summer Wind Band); and music technology courses combining Garageband and digital/stop motion animation.
New courses for this year include opportunities to work towards the Arts Award ‘Discover’ and ‘Explore’ and two courses that run over 5 days – Music Theatre Week and Band Week. During these new week-long courses that take place during the summer holiday, pupils in years 5 to 8 will have the chance to create a music theatre performance from scratch to stage in just 5 days or to form new rock and pop bands that will work towards their first gig in just one week.
Course fees begin from £30 per day and subsidies are available for children and young people from families on low incomes who attend Brighton & Hove local authority schools or academies.
More details about all courses at Summer School 2015 and information about how to apply will be available week commencing 13 April via the BHMA website

Did you know that Glyndebourne Youth Opera offer the chance to take part in opera workshops
If your child is in KS1 or KS2, during the Summer term they will experience the thrill of hearing over 20 different musical instruments in their schools
Our Future City is a 6 month conversation that seeks to improve the lives and life-chances of children and young people through cultural engagement and creative skills
Come and see a glittering showcase of young and emerging talent presented in and around the Royal Pavilion Estate
Save the Date - 16 July 2015. For schools; teachers; practitioners & managers involved with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The BHMA Balkan Brass Ensemble will be leading this year's Children's Parade and if you can play brass to Grade 4 standard approx, you can join in the fun!
Summer School courses for pupils in years 2-11 will be running from 29 Jun - 7 Aug. New for 2015 is Band Week (form a band and put on a gig) and Music Theatre Week
Over 100 music educators and practitioners recently came together to share practice and network with colleagues from across Brighton & Hove
New courses during Easter and Summer school holidays. 'Discover Arts & Heritage' for years - open to all pupils in years 4-6
As part of the Furthering Talent programme, Awards for Young Musicians are offering a free practical training session on Thurs 4 Jun to help identify and support musical talent in your class
ambassador Richard Durrant will launch the 2015 fund-raising campaign for encore
BYO and Hackney Borough Youth Orchestra will join forces to perform a programme of music exclusively inspired by the BBC Ten Pieces
The diverse programme ranged from samba to punk, folk, rock, classical and jazz - a musical festival in one night
Howard, who has been with the music service for over 10 years, tells us of his family upbringing on big band, crooners and classical music - and a payment in chocolate!
30 young people from Brighton & Hove, who might not otherwise have a chance to access live music, are currently benefiting from the Furthering Talent programme
Then why not take part in the social singing group held on Tuesday mornings during term time at Brighton & Hove Music & Arts. No audition and no requirement to read music
The award winning String Ensemble recently tourned the Isle of Wight accompanied by internationally renowed artist Richard Durrant. Repertoire ranged from Icelandic folk songs to Baroque classics
BHMA is currently looking to expand its Cello provision including some short term maternity cover.
Brighton & Hove Youth Philharmonia travel to Noordwijk, on the South coast of Holland this April to share a programme of works they have been rehearsing since the beginning of the year
A budding relationship!