Newsletter: Summer 2015
Songs to Share starts October 2015
Songs to Share – free, practical and innovative training for teachers and partners who use (or would like to use) singing in their work with children and young people – is starting again in the autumn term.
Songs to Share aims to bring the joy of singing to music leaders across the city. Beginning in October 2015, Glyndebourne and SoundCity will be offering a series of TeachMeet- style professional development sessions on Thursday evenings. Led by Howard Moody, the sessions will include an exploration of different ways to enhance vocal creativity, develop vocal skills and approach song-writing.
During the autumn 2015 programme, participants will have the opportunity to work with Howard, alongside professional singers from Glyndebourne. Howard will also be able to offer follow-up sessions to support a number of participants to further develop the use of singing in their own setting.
Last year a range of practitioners took part in Social Singing, including primary and secondary music teachers, music therapists, choir leaders, social workers and instrumental teachers – leading to the development of new relationships and establishment of a valuable forum where colleagues could share, learn and develop vocal confidence and leadership skills.
‘I've particularly enjoyed meeting and improvising with a wide variety of creative professionals. I feel I have greatly developed professionally, in terms of song-writing methods and vocal performance and I've been able to apply these experiences to my work in school and also personally, with my own compositions,’ said Anna Rusbatch, Music Coordinator at Downs Junior School and Songs to Share participant.
Songs to Share is open to SoundCity partners/schools/teachers/practitioners. The programme is fully funded by Glyndebourne and SoundCity, so there is no fee to take part. If you would like to take part please contact Holly to register your interest.

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